Tuesday 9 September 2008

Mini-Symposium at Staff Development Festival

Today, the centre organised the Mini Symposium "Creative Technology - An Oxymoron?", in the framework of the Annual Leeds Met Staff Development Festival Research Day. Reinhold Behringer gave an overview on a few systems which claim to be true creative technology in the artificial creativity domain. John Elliott gave a talk about the human mind, Michael Ward demonstrated the current state of the art in beat tracking, and Ben Dalton presented projects related to telepresence and robotics.

The presentations are available at http://creativetech.inn.leedsmet.ac.uk/Presentations.php.

Here are a few more links related to Ben's talk:

www.burnsideinstitute.com/robot_book/robots.html - French book 'What do robots think about?', translated into Russian. A precursor to the irobot roomba.
www.robotlab.de/bios/bible_engl.htm - robot arm as caligraphic scribe of the bible.
www.robotlab.de/bios/video_engl.htm - video of the bible robot lab project.
brl.ee.washington.edu/publications/Rep127/TE.chapt.html - teleoperation examples.
www.collisiondetection.net/mt/archives/2007/05/soldierrobot_lo.html - people humanising their military robot companions.
news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/1898525.stm - Chris Csikszentmihalyi's robotic journalism project as reported by the BBC.
www.appliedautonomy.com/lb.html - institute for applied autonomy - pamphlet robot.
www.appliedautonomy.com/gw.html - the IAA's graffiti writing street robot.
www.fondation-langlois.org/html/e/page.php?NumPage=1830 - Natalie Jeremijenko's Ooz project with Robotic Geese
www.vestaldesign.com/design/ooz-goose/ - more Ooz pics.
www.auger-loizeau.com/projects/soctel/pro_soctel.html - Auger & Loizeau's teleprescence through dog mounted robotics.
www.ieor.berkeley.edu/~goldberg/pubs/teleactor-icra02.pdf -
Collaborative Online Teleoperation project that includes human teleactors.
www.pbs.org/art21/artists/wodiczko/index.html - Wodiczko's Tijuana project.
www.zprod.org/PG/machines/roboticEars.htm - Paul Granjon's robotic ears.
www.zprod.org/PG/performances/zLabTrans.htm - performance with the ears and tail video.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%A6mon_(His_Dark_Materials) - Leonardo da Vinci's "Lady with an Ermine" (1489-90)
www.gutenberg.org/files/22117/22117-h/22117-h.htm - Kerman and Zeris, the two Kittens who accompanied Author on his wanderings
www.youtube.com/watch?v=5alYLJS4OrE - The Golden Compass: Defining Daemons
www.creatureshop.com - Jim Henson's effects workshop where the Big1 controllers were developed.
flickr.com/photos/bre/208151402/ - example of puppet controller system in action
www.hektor.ch - graffiti robot

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